
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

“Natural Remedy” to cure obesity and blood pressure

Ubqari Magazine - September 2016

If a clove of garlic is heated up and pressed between teeth, it gives instant relief to toothache. If pain toothache is because of cavity then cotton dipped in a mixture of vermillion in garlic water and placed in the dental caries alleviates toothache.

Garlic is a valuable vegetable. Since thousands of years, Hakeems of ancient times have added is as a spice in daily food intake of humans.

Properites, Functions and Effects

Usage of garlic is very beneficial for curing stiff blood vessels (arteries) and natural elasticity is retained resulting in being very beneficial for blood pressure.

That is the reason why garlic is termed as a natural remedy for curing obesity and blood pressure. People complain of garlic’s bad taste but God has created this good taste (bad taste) for thinning of mucus. Hakeems say that in case of old cough, whooping cough or sull cough, usage of garlic by the patient results in jutting out of the mucus and quick formation of the mucus is stopped. Furthermore, usage of garlic stops patients from sweating at night and increases their hunger. Similarly if viral fever patients, double bodied (obese) patients are given twenty drops of water with adding five tola “syru gao zuban”, three to four times a day, trenchancy of fever is decreased, using this also emits toxic substances present in urine. Insomnia, blood pressure, melancholia and anxiety neurosis is also treated by the use of it along with resulting in good sleep. Colic pain, bowel pain and excess of gas fear garlic. Apart from paralysis, facial palsy, tics and numbness of body, for minor and major joint pains every morning take and peel eleven cloves out from three cloves of garlic (seeds) broiled in half a teaspoon ghee or butter, when it turns brown add six masha to one  tola of majoon and one egg and take it off from stove immediately and stir well. Then give to the patient with milk or tea. Chronic patients should be given majoon nux-vomica twice a day after meals, apart from that according to age and weather overweight patients should be given ginger water one to two tolas in a day. Insha’Allah you will get healthy. In North Africa for minor and major joint pain, and to cure common diseases like flu and cough people make flat bread by mixing wheat and garlic. Whereas in America dozen types of powders, cheese and loafs of meat made up of garlic are commonly found. Wound: to clean wounds, pads and bandages dipped in a light mixture added in garlic water, placed on the wound helps heal it quickly. Toothache: If a clove of garlic is heated up and pressed between teeth, it gives instant relief to toothache. If pain toothache is because of cavity then cotton dipped in a mixture of vermillion in garlic water and placed in the dental caries alleviates toothache. Peoria gargling with one part of garlic water dipped in twenty parts of water will eliminate the pus in gums and will relieve the patient. Deafness: put sesame oil (oil of sesame) in an iron pot on stove, when it starts to cook add a whole garlic to it, let it burn properly. Then strain and save. Mildly heat two three drops and put in ear, Insha’Allah deafness will be gone. Whooping cough: if garlic is peeled and stringed and worn as a necklace by the patient so the whooping cough is healed. Winter cough: massaging patient’s chest with a mixture prepared by burning garlic in sesame oil cures winter cough. Asthmatic mucus: licking a mixture, prepared by sautéing three garlic cloves in two tola of ghee and adding honey to it, cures asthmatic mucus. Stomach diseases: if garlic sauce is used in diet then hunger increases and indigestion ends.  If a person vomits after meals, use of garlic sauce will inshaAllah benefit. Swelling of spleen: if there is swelling on spleen and liver then give four tola garlic water followed by a soup of half pao ghee, five tola jiggery and flour. Patient will be cured in two three days. Ringworms and itching: after massaging the patient with one tola of garlic water mixed in 250 gms of mustard oil, make the patient sit under the sun for an hour. After that take a bath with lukewarm water, it relieves itching. If a mixture of chopped garlic mixed with honey is applied to the ringworm area so a massage of few times will finish the ringworms.

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